Estate planning presentation

  • Legal services
  • Starts at 24.50€


As a dedicated Estate Planning Consultant, my passion lies in assisting individuals and families with crafting comprehensive estate plans that safeguard their hard-earned assets and ensure a seamless transfer of wealth to future generations. I believe that no two estates are alike, and therefore, I approach each client with individual attention and care. Collaborating closely with you, I gain insights into your financial situation, family dynamics, and philanthropic aspirations. Based on th

is understanding, I craft a tailored estate plan that addresses your specific objectives while minimizing tax implications and preserving wealth for future generations.In the event of incapacity or medical emergencies, I assist in establishing healthcare directives and power of attorney, allowing you to appoint trusted individuals to make critical decisions on your behalf according to your wishes.As life evolves, so should your estate plan. I conduct periodic reviews to ensure your plan remains

As a dedicated Estate Planning Consultant, my passion lies in assisting individuals and families with crafting comprehensive estate plans that safeguard their hard-earned assets and ensure a seamless transfer of wealth to future generations. 

I believe that no two estates are alike, and therefore, I approach each client with individual attention and care. Collaborating closely with you, I gain insights into your financial situation, family dynamics, and philanthropic aspirations. Based on this understanding, I craft a tailored estate plan that addresses your specific objectives while minimizing tax implications and preserving wealth for future generations.

In the event of incapacity or medical emergencies, I assist in establishing healthcare directives and power of attorney, allowing you to appoint trusted individuals to make critical decisions on your behalf according to your wishes.

As life evolves, so should your estate plan. I conduct periodic reviews to ensure your plan remains up-to-date and aligned with your current circumstances and aspirations. I'm readily available to assist with any necessary updates and changes.

Engaging and Informative Presentations: In addition to crafting personalized estate plans, I excel at delivering engaging and informative presentations to clients and their families. With clarity and empathy, I explain the intricacies of estate planning, ensuring everyone involved fully comprehends the provisions and benefits of the plan.

With a proven track record in providing expert estate planning counsel to diverse clients, I approach each assignment with a deep commitment to excellence and personalized service. Your peace of mind is my priority, and I work diligently to understand your values, aspirations, and concerns, tailoring my approach accordingly.

Molly Geijer

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

I am so grateful for Piers estate planning presentation! They were not only knowledgeable but also a dynamic and engaging speaker. Their presentation was packed with practical advice and actionable steps for estate planning. I appreciate how they emphasized the importance of personalized planning and tailored solutions for each family's unique needs. Truly a valuable experience!

Vincze Endre

  • (4.50 reviews rating)

Service was quick and clear communication. I still have to verify the accuracy of the skip tracing, but am overall satisfied so far.

Calo Sigi

  • (3.00 reviews rating)

Serviceable presentation. Covered the basics, but I was expecting more depth, particularly in financial planning aspects for estates.

Paden Darnell

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Good educational content on estate planning.

Fabian Otello

  • (1.00 reviews rating)

The service wasn't provided.

Ken Magda

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Impressive and detailed. The presentation provided valuable insights into estate planning, tailored to our specific needs.

Linus Patrick

  • (3.00 reviews rating)

Found the presentation lacking in advanced estate planning strategies. Suitable for beginners.

Coren Lennart

  • (3.50 reviews rating)

Covered important estate planning topics well, though some interactive elements could be added.

Baz Gabriel

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Comprehensive and addressed all our unique concerns with clarity.

Jim Edmundo

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Detailed, clear, and very practical for our needs.

Sant Adolfi

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Effective and insightful. Provided a comprehensive view of estate planning, though some legal terms needed further clarification.

Bryson Milton

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Good coverage of estate planning fundamentals. The service was effective, though some additional parts could be added.

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