Social Media and Digital Marketing Consulting

  • Consulting services
  • Starts at 14.16€


Hi! Do you want to start seeing new customers, clients, and partnerships that last? Well, you need a solid social media strategy, and I have the expertise to get you to the next level in your business.
You may know me from my top-selling service, Instagram Rockstar, where I skyrocket your Instagram presence with cutting-edge content, growth strategies, and Instagram post-development. Just bounce over to that gig page to read the testimonials.
As the founder and CEO of my ma

rketing, media, and PR company, Alter New Media, I know what it takes to grow a social media following that actually converts.
I have supported people from every niche imaginable, including crypto, consumer-facing, corporate, legal, nonprofit, and more. 
Here's the thing: I could charge two or even three x more than what I do because my clients can attest to the success of my present strategies. However, I aim to help YOU impact the world with your brand, products, and services.
In this

Hi! Do you want to start seeing new customers, clients, and partnerships that last? Well, you need a solid social media strategy, and I have the expertise to get you to the next level in your business.

You may know me from my top-selling service, Instagram Rockstar, where I skyrocket your Instagram presence with cutting-edge content, growth strategies, and Instagram post-development. Just bounce over to that gig page to read the testimonials.

As the founder and CEO of my marketing, media, and PR company, Alter New Media, I know what it takes to grow a social media following that actually converts.

I have supported people from every niche imaginable, including crypto, consumer-facing, corporate, legal, nonprofit, and more. 

Here's the thing: I could charge two or even three x more than what I do because my clients can attest to the success of my present strategies. However, I aim to help YOU impact the world with your brand, products, and services.

In this gig, you can either book a one-hour consultation, obtain a marketing strategy, or both a brand AND a marketing strategy should you need support establishing your business's positioning.

Rhiannon Gustafsson

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Additionally, the team's guidance in utilizing various social media platforms and digital marketing tools was highly beneficial. They provided step-by-step instructions and resources to maximize the impact of my marketing efforts.

Ramona Barnett

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Furthermore, the team's professionalism and dedication to achieving results were evident throughout our collaboration. They regularly provided progress updates and continually adjusted their strategies to ensure optimal performance.

Esmee François

  • (2.50 reviews rating)

While the team claimed to have knowledge in social media and digital marketing, I found their understanding to be lacking in certain key areas. They provided generic advice that seemed outdated and did not align with current industry best practices.

Emilia Bergvi

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Transformed our social media presence with innovative strategies. The team's expertise in digital marketing is unmatched.

Thomiš Dvoři

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Good insights into optimizing our digital advertising campaigns, but needed more focus on Instagram marketing. Overall, very helpful.

Chloé Fon

  • (3.00 reviews rating)

Provided basic social media guidance. Useful for beginners, but lacked advanced tactics.

Ramira Luppa

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Very effective in developing content strategies, though a bit slow in implementation. Great for long-term planning.

Niki Hoftgan

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Exceptional consulting on digital marketing trends and tools. Their advice significantly boosted our online engagement.

Kovačić Lini

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Provided outstanding insights into targeting and audience engagement. Their strategies significantly increased our online visibility.

Iri de Jon

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Offered solid advice on leveraging social media for brand awareness. Could improve on integrating latest digital trends.

Isan Johanson

  • (3.00 reviews rating)

Decent service with fundamental advice on content creation. Lacked customization for our specific industry.

Eva de Vrin

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Good at developing comprehensive digital marketing plans. Faster adaptation to changing market trends would make it perfect.

Marko Vukkish

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Brilliant at crafting targeted social media strategies. Saw immediate results in customer engagement and website traffic.

Emi Royni

  • (3.00 reviews rating)

Competent in handling general digital marketing needs. More tailored solutions would have been more impactful.

Fernan Gonzi

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Expert advice on digital branding and social media campaigns. Helped us achieve a strong online presence.

Vernon Flavien

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Perfect in both social media and digital marketing significantly boosted our online presence.

Angiolo Pontus

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Very effective in creating comprehensive digital marketing campaigns.

Erik Garrick

  • (3.00 reviews rating)

Service was competent, but lacked the creative edge we were looking for.

René Johann

  • (5.00 reviews rating)

Impressive service in digital marketing and social media.

Landon Elroy

  • (4.00 reviews rating)

Professional and knowledgeable in the latest digital marketing trends.

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